
Collaborative robotics

Robot UR5e with SWS Quick change system

  • Collaborative robot UR5e is 6-axis robot with integrated torque sensor in tool flange, with SWS Quick change system and equipped with several collaborative grippers.
  • with the UR5e robot students can develop different new control algorithms for collaboration and interaction of the robot with the environment


  • Collaborative robot CR7iA is a 6-axis robot arm with integrated torque sensor which estimate torque and force in each axes.
  • with the CR7iA robot students can develop different new control algorithms for collaboration and interaction of the robot with the environment

Robot Franka Panda

  • Collaborative robot Panda is 7-axis robot which acts like a human arm with his high sensitivity in all seven joints
  • with the Panda robot students can develop different new control algorithms for collaboration and interaction of the robot with the environment

Robot UR5e

  • Collaborative robot UR5e is 6-axis robot with integrated torque sensor in tool flange and equipped with several collaborative grippers.
  • with the UR5e robot students can develop different new control algorithms for collaboration and interaction of the robot with the environment

Robot Yaskawa HC10

  • Collaborative robot HC10 is 6-axis robot with integratet joint torque sensor in all axes and with a payload of 10 kg.
  • with the HC10 robot students can develop different new control algorithms for collaboration and interaction of the robot with the environment

Robot ABB IRB 14000, YuMi

  • industrial robot ABB IRB 14000, YuMi is a collaborative, 6 DOF dual arm, small parts assembly robot.
  • students use this robot for programming various examples of industrial algorithms for small parts assembling.

Industrial robotics

Robot Omron iX3-565 RX3 2065604

  • The Omron iX3-565 RX3 2065604 robot is a 4-axis high-speed parallel robot for faster and more flexible picking and packaging applications.
  • students use this robot to learn how to work and program parallel robots differently, such as material handling, picking and packaging applications.

Robot Epson GX8-A652S

  • industrial robot GX8-A652S is Ultra high performance and flexibility 4 degrees of freedom SCARA robot
  • students learn to program pick-and-place application with robot vision

Robot Epson PS3

  • industrial robot Epson PS3 is small sized 6 degrees of freedom anthropomorphic robot
  • robot is used in programming of pick-and-place application where a more versatile robot is needed for arbitrary orientation of the manipulated objects

Robots Motoman MH5

  • two 6 degrees of freedom anthropomorphic robots Motoman MH5 with industrial controller DX100
  • with original industrial controller DX100 students can learn to program synchronous work for collaboration of two robots in single industrial application

Robot Epson E2S651

  • industrial robot E2S651 is 4 degrees of freedom SCARA robot
  • students learn to program pick-and-place application with robot vision

Haptics robotics

Robots Motoman MH5

  • two 6 degrees of freedom anthropomorphic robots Motoman MH5  equipped with torque/force sensors JR3 and custom design controller developed in Laboratory of Robotics
  • with the custom build controller students can learn to program the robots for bi-manual teleoperation for interaction with either the environment or human user

Haptic robots Omega.7

  • two haptic robots Omega, each with 3 active degrees of freedom for position control, 3 passive degrees of freedom for measuring the orientation and 1 active degree of freedom for grasping
  • haptic robots allow students to plan and develop the applications for bi-manual manipulation of objects in virtual environments or with robots Motoman HM5

Haptic robots Phantom

  • two haptic robots Phantom, each with three active degrees of freedom
  • students develop haptic virtual environments in which they can feel (touch) the virtual objects and manipulate with them with the Phantom robot

Haptic robot HapticMaster

  • haptic robot HapticMaster with controller developed in Laboratory of Robotics
  • students develop custom virtual environment applications for robot-human interaction

Other equipment

ioTech IO300 digital printer

  • ioTech IO300 digital printer for printed electronics, based on multi-material, high resolution, high speed, laser induced conductive & dielectric materials deposition.


  • The FANUC ROBODRILL α-DiB series (Standard version) is high-speed, high-precision and high-efficiency Compact Machining center with spindle taper size of No.30

SICK measuring sensors

  • Several different SICK sensors are available for measurement and machine vision. The available sensors are SICK Robot guidance system PLOC2D, SICK 2D machine vision Inspector P63CIR markers, SICK 3D machine vision TriSpectorP1000, SICK 3D machine vision Visionary-T DT
  • Students use SICK sensors for machine vision and measuring

Optotrak Certus

  • Optotrak Certus system is optical system for accurate measurements of position of larger number of active IR markers
  • students use Optotrak system for measuring the movements of humans, robots and machines

Force plates

  • a pair of force plates placed in the floor, each of them measures 3 forces and 3 moments
  • students use them for measuring the forces applied by the measured person during walking, sitting, lifting objects; they are often used with Optotrak Certus system

System for 3D visualization

  • system for 3D visualization is composed of two projectors with circular polarization filters, special projection screen and several polarization glasses
  • system for 3D visualization is used with the haptic robot HapticMaster for visualization of virtual environments

Force sensors Jr3

  • Jr3 force sensors measure 3 forces and 3 moments applied on the sensor
  • Jr3 sensors are small, very accurate, low noise sensors typically used for measuring forces between robot and environment with which the robot is interacting

Other lab equipment

  • oscilloscope, function generators, multimeters, voltmeters, various power supplies, soldering equipment, monocular and binocular low-magnification microscopes for precise positioning of electronic components for soldering
  • students use this equipment during practicum, project assignments and experiments